The Difference Between Awareness Campaigns and Lead Generating Campaigns 

LeadGen Campaign and Awareness Campaign Difference

In digital marketing, you often conduct awareness campaigns and lead generating campaigns to promote a product, service, or event

But did you know that awareness campaigns and lead generating campaigns are two different things?  

In the video below, listen to Maia Haland explain the difference between the two. For the full transcript, scroll down after the video. 

Full Transcript:

Today, I’m going to talk about the difference between awareness campaigns and lead generating campaigns.  

I got this new customer recently and we had a talk because he was really frustrated.  

He’d been working with another agency on a campaign, and the campaigns weren’t generating any leads.  

And he wanted leads and he had been promised leads, he said. 

And then I looked into the campaign and it was a social media campaign. 

And the message in the campaign was something very general like, “We’re an I.T. company. You can trust. Come to us for I.T. consultancy.” 

And then leading the link was to the home page of the company website, and there weren’t really any ways to convert on the home page. 

So, if anyone was to convert, become a lead from that campaign, they would have to go to the home page, become interested in what the company delivers, and then go to the contact page, fill out the contact form. And nobody did that.  

And I told him this is not what we in Digitalfeet would consider a lead generating campaign.  

This is, if I were to be nice, it could maybe be considered an awareness campaign, but not the lead generating campaign.  

And he asked me, “What are you considering as lead generating campaigns?” 

And in Digitalfeet, we have some types of really generating campaigns that we often run for our customers. 

Our customers are in B2B, mainly within the I.T. industry.  

And one type is event campaign — seminars, webinars, different kinds of events. 

And we’ve done that a lot.  

So, we made a step-by-step recipe for how to do it with eight steps for how to run a successful event campaign. 

And then the customer said, “But the other agency, they said that webinars are dead. Nobody attends webinars anymore.” 

And it’s true that under COVID, when COVID was, and we couldn’t go out to meet people.  

Of course, the webinars increased in popularity and of course now they have decreased a little bit. 

But we still run campaigns for webinars where we get many hundred people joining the webinars.  

We also do events. We had an event recently that was fully booked long before the date. 

If you have something of great value to give to your audience in a webinar or a seminar and you target it well, then people will come. 

And because we’ve done many events campaigns, we’ve made a recipe.  

So we follow this step-by-step delivery plan when we do an event campaign.  

First, I have a meeting with the client.  

We make the pitch, we land the agenda, and we make the pitch for the video because campaigns with videos do best.  

And then we define the audience. 

And then after that, we film and then the designers make the landing page, emails, banners — all the campaign materials.  

We set up the campaign.  

We have this step by step that we always do, and we tweak it based on results, and we get a lot of people to come to events. 

Events work, but it has to be a good event.  

And that’s something that I work with the client in the first meeting. 

You have to have something good to give to your audience.  

You have to know who your audience is and you have to have something good to offer it, and then it works. 

Number two that we do a lot is downloadable digital assets.  

That could be a whitepaper, mini guide, checklist — something that your audience finds valuable.  

And here it’s the same.  

You have to know who is your audience, and they have to find what you want to give to them valuable.  

If you have that, you can set up a lead gen ad on, for example, LinkedIn or Facebook.  

And if they have stored their information, they can download your digital asset with two clicks. 

And yes, people are becoming more cautious of what they want to download because they know, “I give away my data and I get this in return.” 

They’re more aware of that change happening so they won’t download anything.  

But again, if you have something valuable, it works.  

We’ve done campaigns like that recently. It still does very well. 

Number three is that you can record a demo.  

Many companies have on their website book a time for a demo, but the barrier for a visit, they’re on your website. 

To go in and book a time with your consultant is quite high because they’re taking up the consultant’s time. 

They will feel that they kind of owe you something maybe by booking that consultant’s time. 

It’s lower barrier to see a recording of a demo. 

10 minutes recording. Register. See it here and now. 

So that can be something that you can have on your website.  

You can do the campaign for it.  

You can measure how many leads you got because when you have campaigns like this where you give something of value and you get contact information back. 

And then you can measure. You can say we had we spent $2,000 in ad spent. 

We’ve got 50 people who downloaded this mini guide or signed up for the event. 

That’s what we consider lead generating campaigns.  

And of course, if you’re done a good event, if it’s a seminar webinar, you can record it. 

And then you can put your recording on the website and then people can give away their contact information to see the recording. 

And you can run campaigns also for people to see the recording. And that’s another lead generating campaign. 

So this is my take on what our typical lead generating campaigns based on what we do in Digitalfeet and our experiences.  

But maybe you have other experiences. Maybe you have other examples of lead generating campaigns.  

Please share. Please comment.  

Thank you and bye for now. 

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